The Julian Way

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Apprentice Gathering...Pre-Session Intensive...Reflection...

from Matt

As you may have seen on our Facebook page, we had a great time at the national Apprentice Gathering Pre-Session Intensive. 

We spent the morning talking about the rule of life that forms our intentional community. Our rule of life has three elements: prayer, hospitality, and justice. The three elements work together to help us grow in love toward God, self, and others. Those three elements also help us to pay attention to how God might be leading us through life. This led into our discussion for the afternoon, which was talking about our non-profit, SoCe Life, and what our organization is all about. 

Two delicious highlights came when one of our neighbors was able to cater the lunch for us--and it was AWESOME! And then another neighbor was able to bake cupcakes for us to share in the afternoon, and they were AMAZING! (There is so much good food in the world!!) 

I think the greatest gift of the day was connecting with the folks in our group. Throughout the day we had opportunities for side-conversations and further discussion so that by the end of the day we felt very close to those who came to our pre-session. They were also reminders to me that there are people all over the place who are doing great things, exploring important ideas, and asking hard questions. What an encouragement!