Neighboring Movement is a nonprofit in the South Central (or “SoCe”) Neighborhood of Wichita, Kansas, that participates in, and teaches about, enhancing community through the practice of neighboring.

Our founding belief:

Everyone is gifted, and when people share their gifts, they experience wholeness and the community gets stronger.


Our foundational values:

  • Relationship - We are relational beings and recognize that community is essential for both health and happiness, so we seek to foster relationships with the people who live closest to us, and we encourage others to do the same.

  • Abundance - We live in an abundant world made up of abundant communities, so we seek to see abundance in both our neighbors and our neighborhoods by recognizing, sharing, and connecting the gifts of neighbors and the assets of neighborhoods.

  • Joy - We can embody and share a purest joy in each of the things we do, so we seek to embody joyfulness as we interact with our neighbors and neighborhoods, follow joyful energy as we discern the ways in which we work, and encourage others to participate in “neighboring”, or getting to know their neighbors, in a way that brings them joy.

Our work:

  • Practicing asset-based community development in our SoCe neighborhood by meeting, fostering relationships with, and organizing with neighbors.

  • Providing curriculum, teaching, and coaching for faith communities as they transform the ways they relate to their larger neighborhood communities.

  • Participating in both state-wide and nation-wide organizing around the principles of asset-based community development and neighboring.